Autumn Resolutions Verses New New Year Resolutions

It turns out that the Fall season may actually be the preferred time to make your Autumn Resolutions and having a better chance of achieving and keeping them long term.

So let me be the first to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

We all know that New Year’s Eve has always been the time when most of us make our resolutions for the upcoming year, but research has shown that less than 20% of us end up keeping them.

Autumn Resolutions Are A Season Of Transition 

for both nature and us, therefore making it the perfect time without the pressure of the holidays and the end of the year blues.

A time when we naturally slow down and focus more on getting together with family and friends, and counting our blessings.

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE new beginnings.

I love each and every new day.

And I love the beginning of a new week, and the beginning of a new month.

So the idea of a clean slate starting with an Autumn Resolution makes me giddy with so many possibilities and new opportunities that lie ahead.

I feel inspired with the thought that I have the good fortune to restart NEW each and everyday.

If I happen not to make it through the day accomplishing my intention, then tomorrow is another day to begin again.

Just imagine how wonderfully free and uplifting you could feel by the end of this year.

You could already be accomplishing your Autumn Resolutions and well on your way to enjoying the holidays without all the pressure and stress that we put on ourselves.

Do you think you might be up for an Autumn Resolution?

After all there is no time like the present! 

We’d love for you to share your thoughts on our Facebook Page where together we can encourage each other onward and upward to finally achieving and keeping our new Autumn Resolutions.

Autumn Resolutions
Photo Freerange stock


AROMA FAMILY TIP: This is the also the perfect time to get your end of the year and New Year Calendar/Planner to help you stay on track.


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Until Next Time…

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